Safety in Strides...

In your Open Water course, you were most likely taught the main method of jumping off a boat into the water: the giant stride entry. But, did you know there are a few other methods of getting into the water safely?

The first is the simplest to explain, but can be the hardest to execute depending on your location: the wade in. Shore diving is a simple and cheap method of diving, but you need to be careful where you step! Sharp rocks, shallow corals, and even hidden animals can make for an easy fall. Try wading in and using the water to your advantage. Submerge yourself up to your waist before attempting to put on fins and your life will be a lot easier!

The backroll. Not all boats are equipped with rigid platforms to giant stride from, e.g. a zodiac. On these smaller boats, you’ll most likely want to perform a backroll entry off the gunwale. Seat yourself as far back as comfortably possible, place your hand behind your head (to protect it from hitting the first stage if your tank is mounted high) and simply roll backwards. Make sure to do a full roll, too - no halfway rolls! Once you’ve safely splashed, give the OK sign to the boat and you’re on your way!

Lastly is the seated entry. Kind of like the backroll, you’ll prop yourself up along the water’s edge, this time facing the water. Then, with a quick shove and pivot, you can fling yourself downward while twisting to make sure your tank doesn’t hit the boat.

Got any tips for entries into rough seas? Let us know below!

Ariece Jokela