Learn in Your Underwear - E-Learning


How the heck can you learn to Scuba Dive in your underwear?  Online of course. 

It's a great way to get the beginning part out of the way. No boring teacher. No driving across town to class. No making up classes you couldn't get to because of your schedule.  When do you want to study? 1:00 in the morning? Ok!  

That is the beauty of our online learning class. Any time, your schedule, and all the tequila you can drink. Or, coffee might be better. You tend to learn more than with Tequila.  Just fire up the computer or pad and start learning. Easy.

Here's how it works. Go to our website click on classes. Scroll down to Online learning click and  scroll down to PADI Open Water Diver. Decide if you want to learn on a computer or a pad. PADI eLearning is computer-internet based learning with integrated videos and other interactive features. PADI Touch is a tablet or mobile-based version of the eLearning with integrated videos and other interactive features.  

Buy eLearning or Buy Touch buttons will take you to the sign up page at PADI. You will be paying PADI for this portion of the course. Important to go through our website to sign up because it links your student record to us. A major pain for us to get it linked if you didn't go through our site. 

Should take you about 12 hours to finish. So sit back and relax and begin anytime. Start and stop as often as you need to. There will be knowledge reviews along the way to help you. If you need help understanding something you can call us or come in. If somebody in your life is a certified scuba diver then they can help you as well. Go over the material as much as you want. Repeat a module as often as you want. 

When you feel you are ready, take the final knowledge review and if you pass then print the completion report.  Come in or take a look on the website under Classes / Scuba Training / Beginning Certification Open water diver. Click on "View Classes". Read the page, head to the bottom left under Beginning Certification. Select a date for our "Pool & Classroom" schedule. Pick the schedule most convenient for you and sign up. 

If you could only know where this first step takes you then you would have done this a long time ago.  Have fun and we will see you along the way soon.    Freddy